SEM & SEO Digital Marketing Agency
Industry: B2B, Solar, Wordpress

EvenGreen Technology

Company background

EvenGreen Technology Inc. is a wholesale, retail and consulting solar company. It installs efficient and renewable energy-saving products and systems and is proud of the education and excellent service it provides customers.

EvenGreen chooses a holistic approach to energy efficiency through technology, design, engineering, installations, and affordability. It utilizes deep expertise in the solar industry to bring consumer products, consulting, analysis, and project management to markets it serves.


EvenGreen Technology’s goal was to become largest solar installer in Idaho. VELOX’s primary focus was on lead generation efforts and propelling EvenGreen Technology to the #1 position, providing the company with exceptionally-qualified leads through local SEO and AdWords services.

EGT ROI Focused SEM & SEO Strategy SEM & SEO Strategy
New Revenue Potential


$150,000projected new revenue

The new rankings created by VELOX resulted in 30 new appointments per month with a 20% close rate. This helped exceed the original New Revenue Potential Model and generated $180,000 per month in new revenue–$30,000 above expectations.


5 regional keywords launched
4 keywords ranked #1 on Google
1 keyword ranked #3 within four months
SEO & SEM Lead Generation Case Study
Final Outcomes


5Launched 5 regional keywords in organic search
4Captured four #1 rankings on Google within four months
4Captured one top 3 ranking within four months

Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second. That’s 3.5 billion daily searches. Search potential is unlimited…VELOX’s optimization experts will rank you higher and capture more revenue than ever before.

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